At week 10 to 18 November 2012 were held a series of activities designed to celebrate global education.
Global education (education for personal development, human rights education, intercultural education, peace education and conflict resolution), is based on understanding the fundamental issues of global citizenship:
• Awareness that we live in a global world and our role as citizens of this world;
• Understand the causes and effects of major issues affecting the world;
• Opportunities to design and take action to make the world a more equitable and sustainable.
1. Global village
- Target - students from 12th grade
- Description: Students need to imagine and reflect (in a group) on the scenario in which the world would be a 1,000 people village. Looks like she would be distributing nations, ethnicities, races, languages, resources s.o. in this world.
- Results: Posters showing the distribution of the people.
"Time to End, the space is gone, welcome to Global Village" In 1967, Marshall McLuhan declared the emergence of a new paradigm of revolutionary evolution: Global Village, a happening simultaneously, where time and space are dissolved. "Man is limited by availability biological-cal change. When this availability is overcharged, the result is a future shock "wrote Alvin Toffler in Future Shock (1970), a bestseller sold five million copies.
There was a time in human history when the pace of technological development was so slow, that a man could be born, live and die without pace. In those days, tribes grew and disappeared, kings came and went, empires expand and decay according to an immutable though. It took three centuries for humanity to reach the discovery of electricity to Edison's bulb. But they cut on by just a few decades after the discovery of quantum physics to create the atomic bomb and the invention of the computers. Intervals between different stages of a mega cycle were thus reduced drastically with the results that society has come to "be Imbi" innovations at a pace that required such brushes so you can assimilate.