About the project

The project will bring NGOs together with European Clubs' (EC) teachers and students to promote active citizenship on local level and compare results of local actions on the international level. The general theme is broad enough to allow members of ECs organize  activities most suitable for their local community.
The general aim of the project is to raise the level of activity and participation of young people by motivating them to organize actions promoting something they care strongly about. The project is addressed to European Clubs (ECs), non-formal structures of young citizens interested in European matters, democratic values and intercultural dialogue. First the teachers will gather to learn about possibilities of promoting responsible citizenship and active participation through volunteering, intergenerational dialogue and/or advertizing campaigns. They will share their experience and plan the International Meeting. Project activities will be thought of, planned and performed by the teachers and students themselves, while applicant organization and PFRS will provide proper facilitation and guidance.
Being active in the formation of our common reality means to be involved in our social and civic life. Be it through expressing your opinion as a social journalist, working voluntarily for a positive change, participating in elections or collecting oral history of older community members one can make a difference. ECs will organize a series of events/actions in their schools and local communities with one common goal – promoting active citizenship through participation. In the four days of the Meeting students, teachers and volunteers from different European countries will take part in a series of workshops, games and discussions and share results of their local actions. They will learn about and from each other, prepare common activities to cause spread their enthusiasm to participants of the Schuman Parade and start a snowball effect of civic actions.