Global Education Week

At week 10 to 18 November 2012 were held a series of activities designed to celebrate global education.
Global education (education for personal development, human rights education, intercultural education, peace education and conflict resolution), is based on understanding the fundamental issues of global citizenship:
• Awareness that we live in a global world and our role as citizens of this world;
• Attitude of respect for diversity and intercultural communication skills;

World Wide Web

November 27th was a good opportunity for joy for the "buds", the 9th graders who have demonstrated skills and talent during the Bal of the Newcomers Students. 
The theme of this year was able to reinforce the idea that together we are stronger and everyone matter in this great network that is the world in which we live.
The organizers offered during the 3 hour pleasant moments of dance, music and costumes, to the approximately 300 participants from Economic College "Ion Ghica".


VALUES - Combating trafficking in human beings

November occasioned several meetings of students from the Faculty of Law in Targoviste with students from Economic College, topics discussed being able to help students to realize the importance of respecting human rights but also the risks they are exposed to multiple conditions challenges of the modern world and offered free access to media and communication. Social networks, as some of the most permissive but at the same time and more dangerous, can make it hard for teens who are not trained in this direction.
The campaign, developed with the support of the Proximity Police, will take place during the school year 2012-2013 and will cover topics of interest primarily for the life and safety of adolescents.

Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.